It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a black thumb, a green thumb, or no thumbs at all – chances are if you’ve got a yard in the South, you have (or may get) Fire Ants. If you’ve been watching the news you might have heard about Crazy Ants too…well…lets just nip that in the bud right now!
They’re little, they’re red, they’ll bite you. They’re awful little buggers, really. The worst thing is while you’re out mowing the yard and happen across a pop up colony – what to do?
Wives tales such as “pour some gasoline on ’em” and “moth balls ‘ll get ’em”. Ugh, we don’t think so.
So, we’re here to offer you some solutions to rid yourself of Fire Ants. Trust us, you DON’T want to stumble upon a colony. They WILL bite you.

Captain Jack knows a thing or two about killing bugs – and he knows a thing or two about being safe for the environment. This product is the only one that we sell and trust to work to kill Fire Ants organically in your yard. Spinozad – found on the ruins of an old rum distillery – has proven to be an excellent pesticide and is safe even in Vegetable gardens. Stock up today and say farewell to Fire Ants. This will work as a topical kill on Crazy Ants, so if you’ve got them, spray away. Use caution though, they tend to gravitate towards electricity and magnetic fields, so beware when spraying liquid. Electrocution hurts more than an ant bite.

Away they go with Amdro, although it’s not their slogan it should be. Amdro is one of those Ant killers that will turn them dead as a doornail in seconds flat. This will work and destroy the entire colony. Sprinkle it directly on the mound and watch them die. Sorry little guys, you lose.

Send the poison down to the root of the problem with Come and get it. This kill potion will get transmitted through the colony like a bad rumor and kill the ENTIRE colony within 24 hours. So set your clocks, grab a lawn chair, and watch an entire civilization of ants die before your very eyes. Or…get a hobby.

If don’t already have them, why not prevent them from setting up shop to begin with? Stinger is going to give you protection from Fire Ants and Crazy Ants before they even move the first granule of dirt. By preventing them from getting in your yard to begin with, you’ll have a lot fewer incidences of happening upon a surprise mound. It must be said though, Fire Ants MIGHT just decide they’ll set up shop in your neighbors yard instead – so – use caution when going to ask to borrow a cup of sugar or power tools or anything.