It’s mosquito season again guys, and you’re probably already covered in those unattractive red welts that make you itch and itch and then scab over only to pick and then scab and then itch some more. (Think about it, after you scab and you pick at it, where does that scab really go…it could be right over there…ewwww).
So, to avoid getting bitten which leads to scabs we have some fantastic SUPER SAFE mosquito products available for you to use. All of them are organic, safe and proven effective.

This product is put out by our friends over at I MUST Garden. One of our favorite parts about it is that it can be broadcast spread over a large area just by attaching it to the end of your hose.
As they say right on the packaging:
“Put an end to the annoyances of mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, and fleas in your garden with I Must Garden’s botanically based natural repellent.
Controls mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, gnats, chiggers, black flies, no-see-ums & more.
Perfect for your yard, garden, pool areas, picnics, barbecues, tailgating, camping, etc. DEET Free and people, pet and environmentally friendly.”
This product contains oils such as Rosemary and Garlic, so if anything your area will smell even better than if you DIDN’T spray it, unlike other chemically based Insect repellents.

Amazon Lights Garden Candles aren’t anything like those stinky old citronella ones you’re used to. These are mucho improved and have a long lasting, pleasant burning scent.
Made of Palm Wax, this candle will burn slowly and repel insects, as opposed to killing them. This will make sure that all the good bugs stay safe and the biting bugs just go somewhere else until you’re done enjoying the outdoors.
So, to avoid getting bitten which leads to scabs we have some fantastic SUPER SAFE mosquito products available for you to use. All of them are organic, safe and proven effective.