News & Events

Mums Are Here!!!

Come on Fall, we’re now officially ready for you, our first round of mums are now officially ready for purchase! We have them in three different sizes, the most popular being the “small” (which is in an 8″ mum pan) and “large” which are in 2 to three gallon pots.

Let us take a moment to explain how BIG our “small” mums really are. These small mums aren’t really “small”, quite the opposite actually. Most of these mums are at LEAST 14″ across and absolutely jam packed with buds, blooms and beauty!
We also have little bitty 4″ mums in a selection of colors that would be great in mixed containers or just for a little splash of color just about anywhere!

If Zips could live anywhere, he’d live in one, they’re THAT big!


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