News & Events

A New Wave-Not A Petunia Either!

Inspiration Struck Us This Week…

We sent a few of our top employees down to a workshop to improve our store and make you, our loyal customers happier with our store. Of course, we know we’re already pretty awesome, but at the same time, there were a few things that could use some improving.

Top of the list was organization, which we’re working on color coordinating our Annual Section to make your browsing and shopping easier. Also, our perennials section will be given numbered tables, much like you would see in say, a CVS, that way when you look to us for assistance and we can’t physically take you to what you need, at least we can tell you more exactly where you can look.

Also in the workshop was a segment on how to create a better Internet Relationship with your subscribers, and the buzz word was Movie! Nowadays (or so the speaker says) people don’t have time to sit and read a long article, they’d rather have a video playing in a background window telling them what to be doing.

So…here you have it, our first installment of South Pleasantburg Nursery News. Keep in mind this was ultra mega low budget and we’re not exactly cinematographers quite yet, and by the looks of it we’re not going to be making it to Sundance any time soon. What is going to happen soon is a link on all of our wordier pages to a movie over viewing the written article, example-“Perennial Flowering Vines”, in this movie we will show you some of them that we have in stock and be a little more in depth and candid about what we really think of them.

Kick back, relax and enjoy! Send your comments over too, we’d be happy to hear from you.

South Pleasantburg Nursery News


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