News & Events

Five Tips To Conquer The Spring!

Avid GardenerGardening is supposed to be relaxing, almost like an outdoor therapy. What happens, however, when you take your relaxing hobby to the extremes? Easy, you loose interest and you get frustrated with your hobby. Just like learning to sew, dance or even sing, if you allow yourself to get overwhelmed you won’t enjoy the hobby.

Even the most seasoned gardener has certain plants that just give them a hard time, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t had the best success with flowers or shrubs in the past. Perhaps you’ve approached it all wrong, or perhaps you’ve just had a little bad luck. Don’t give up! We’re here to help.

Here are a few tips to make your visit to the nursery and your garden a little less stressful and more successful this spring.

Plan Your Garden Attack!

1) Plan ahead and leave your worries behind. If you come to the nursery without having a clue as to what you need or where you’ll get overwhelmed. Even taking a quick picture of the area with vague measurements will help you out once you get here. Showing us those pictures will help too, because we can help you help yourselves to the flowers that will fit perfectly into your area. #bestlaidplans

Mark The Calendar

2) Select days that the you are going to enjoy the most. Don’t come right after work where you feel the pressures of the world on your shoulders. Allow yourself time to stroll around and really “smell the roses”. This will keep your mood positive as you peruse the selections of flowers and shrubs that we have. Once you leave, if you’re still on that flower high, you might just find you’ll want to come visit even if you don’t need anything in particular. #hotdatewithflowers

Troubleshoot Then Give It A Shot

0293) If you are having a problem with a plant, don’t hesitate to bring us in a sample or email a picture of it to us at We’re trained horticulturalists here and would love nothing more than to help you achieve success in your garden. Sometimes damage to plants may LOOK like a bug is eating at it, but it’s really a fungus. Maybe sometimes it LOOKS like you’ve got fungus but it’s really bug juice. We know the difference and can help. #tryityou’lllikeit

Be Open Minded!

4) Allow yourself to be open to suggestions that you’re not normally comfortable with. If you’ve been planting your pots with the same Geraniums every year, give something new a try. Seeing the same flowers year in and year out will tend to make your gardening imagination go stagnant and you’re going to get bored with the idea of going to the nursery. Looking at exciting new varieties and colors will enliven your experience and pep you up! #openminded

Use the Buddy System!

Nikkis is rather boring at times, and when she had the brainy idea of getting everybody else's input on favorite plants, she kind of forgot about picking one out herself. With her love for German travel, she decided to pick a plant that reminded her of trips abroad - the red Geranium. Seen in just about every window box in the German countryside, the red Geranium is the perfect annual. Period.

Have you done red geraniums, try pink ones!

5) Bring a friend. Believe it or not bringing a friend or loved one with you to participate in the shopping process will be better for you and for your friend. Having somebody that you know and trust to bounce ideas off of will not only give you company, but give you some input on what may or may not look excellent at your home. Also, having a second set of ears around might offer valuable wisdom when it comes down to certain plants. #buddysystem

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