News & Events

Zoysia And Centipede Seed Now On Sale!

Zenith And Tifblair SeedIt’s almost time to start tossing out some grass seed (for those of you that have warm season grasses). We have the seed for you to toss right here in stock. Not only do we carry top of the line seed, we have it in different sized packages to suit whatever area you have be it large or small.

We carry:

Tifblair Centipede Seed – “Quality turf made simple”

Centipede seed by Tifblair is superior to other brands due to the fact that they have been working on perfecting this blend since 1977. Through trial and error this blend has proven to be a perfect combination of hardiness and luxurious blades of grass. Tifblair is faster germinating that other brands and can tolerate lower PH in the soil as well. This centipede seed can also tolerate nasty, dry soils (such as those we experience in the heat of the summer) or cold wet winters. Pretty neat huh!

Zenith Zoysia – “Like Fescue, but much better”

Zenith grows well in full sun or under light shade, and has been found to have pretty good cold tolerance. Plant shallowly on a newly prepared seedbed and water frequently to assure yourself the best germination and success. Zenith germinates readily, producing a stand of seedlings in as little as 10 days, which is pretty quick! You don’t have to sit around and wait for grass to grow with Zenith, it’ll impress you! We like carrying this for those who are looking for an alternative to growing fescue but still want that thick-bladed upright grass. Great for kids and food traffic!

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