Showcase Plants

July Showcase Of Shady Plants.

We’re very aware of the condition of the weather outside, so really you don’t have to come into the nursery and remind us how hot it is. All kidding aside, instead of showing you a bunch of shrubs and trees (as usual) that you could be planting right now, we’ve switched things up a little bit. This month we’re focusing on shade loving plants, including some annuals, perennials and one really awesome houseplant. Sit back and enjoy the show!

This display was creatively put together in the shade. Truth be told there was actually a showcase set up in the sun, but it just didn’t really turn out as to be expected, that and the shade just looks so much more inviting than the hot asphalt parking lot.

It’s an interesting twist to use predominantly foliage for color, but how could you pass this up? Think about it, the Heuchera will retain that vibrant color no matter what the season is (including winter). These do well in DRY shade or can even tolerate morning sun. They’ve been seen growing in full sun, but tend to struggle a bit when the temperatures get way up there.

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Take special notice that the undersides of the leaves pop out a little bit of color as well. With an iridescent purple underbelly and a rich almost caramel colored top, these Heuchera will be at home at YOUR home.

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White caladiums are the new white impatien! Since we’ve done away with the old fashioned Impatin due to the mildew, we’ve been racking our brains trying to find a suitable plant that will give just as much color with just as little maintenance. Caladiums flower, but it’s not really special, they really show their stuff through their foliage, not flowers. The upside of this is that they don’t have to be deadheaded and don’t need special fertilizers. These hardy shade lovers will please you up until the last bit of fall. When the temperatures drop, so do these plants, they drop dead. Replace them every year, but think of it as a small investment in months of beauty.

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Hosta are hot! We love our hosta, unless they’re blooming, but that’s just our opinion. This is another one of those plants that are used for awesome color and texture in the perennial landscape. Grow these in the shade and enjoy for years and years. You can even split them up every few years and share them with your friends. Of course, there are all colored leaves, this is just one of about 20 different varieties we have in stock at this very minute.

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Most ivy is boring, not this one though. With a fantastic dappled leaf it gives the appearance of being almost frosted, or even dusted with a light powdered sugar. Of course, if you let ivy go crazy, you’ll go crazy trying to get rid of it. This one, however, is a little better behaved and does really well in mixed containers. It seems to get along with just about any other plants (in the shade).

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Astilbe, also known as false spiraea, is one of the Cyber Geeks favorite little perennials. The foliage has a rough texture, but at the same time gives a very soft, fern like appearance in the landscape. The perk, however, is that it sends up this spectacular plume of flowers when the weather warms up. Colors range from Red (‘Fanal’) to white (‘Deutchland’), to shades of pink (Sprite). Very pretty, and very easy to grow!

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This strap leafed croton is a stunning example of what nature is capable of. Colors ranging from yellow, red, and orange all pop out against a dark green almost black leaf. These are fantastic houseplants in bright locations or could even be used on a covered porch (until it gets cold out). These require little to no special care. Water it once in a while and remove spent leaves to make sure it keeps that lush look!


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