“I’m just munchin'”

Zips says, “He’s awful ugly, but he’s a pretty nice guy once you get to know him”

Leave me alone, I need “toad” al privacy

A fantastic tea pot miniature house, completely lit up. There must be a party goin’ On!

Miniature Pumpkin House, again, all lit up. Perhaps there’s a party in there too!

Lit up tree house, although, I’m pretty sure wood and fire don’t mix well. They’d better have their treehome owners insurance paid up.

Party pumpkin house in daylight, not as swinging.

Ghost-es with the Most-es

I’m guessing whatever was buried there was buried in a matchbox. Fish perhaps?

Zips new girlfrend, Zenda

We’ve been told “hedgehogs are the next big thing”. We’ve got them.

Dag gum, I thought I cropped my hand out. Zips was afraid at first, then he realized we were just playing with him. Sometimes his sense of humor isn’t what it once was.

Scarecrow, the non flamable type.